Das aufregendste Arcade- und Fantasy-Football-Erlebnis erwartet Sie in der Super Kickers League. Es gibt keine Schiedsrichter, es gibt keine Regeln, alles ist erlaubt, das einzige Ziel ist es, mehr Tore zu schießen als der Gegner.
Win your first cup.
Win your first league.
Win the team league by scoring 3 goals or more per game.
Win all the competitions at “normal” level.
Unlock half the teams.
Unlock all available teams.
Unlock all the pitches.
Score a goal in Golden Goal.
Play 10 games.
Play 100 games.
Play 500 games.
Score your first goal.
Score 100 goals.
Score 500 goals.
Score 1000 goals.
Win the league in retro mode.
Score 50 acrobatic goals.
Score 50 goals from your own pitch.
Score 50 super-shot goals.
Play 3 players vs AI.
Play 1 player vs 1 player.
Play 2 players vs 2 players.
Play 3 players vs 1 player.
Win a 3 vs. AI match in hard mode.
Win a 3 vs. AI cup in hard mode.
Win a 3 vs. AI league in hard mode.
Win your first Super-Kickers game.
In a Super-Kickers match score 2 goals with each captain.
In a Super-Kickers match score 5 goals with a captain.
Unlock all the achievements.