Bist du bereit, deine Fähigkeiten mit Frauen auf die nächste Stufe zu bringen, während du ein urkomisches Videospiel spielst?
Choose all of the famous Pick Up Artist's tricks and routines.
Choose 5 wrong answers.
Get a perfect run on the Coffee Shop level.
Get a perfect run on Girl on the Street level.
Get a perfect run on the First Date Kate level.
Get a perfect run on the Direct Daygame level.
Get a perfect run on the First Date Alexa level.
Get a perfect run in the office level.
Get a perfect run on the Friend to Girlfriend level.
Get a perfect run on the 2 Girls in a Bar level.
Get a perfect run on the Wingman level.
Get a perfect run on the Club/Dance Floor level.
Get physically attacked at every possible choice.
Explore every option that leads to failure.
Get 100% completion on five levels.
Get 100% completion on all levels.
Get a perfect run on 5 levels.
Get a perfect run on every level.