Swordship ist ein futuristisches, rasantes Dodge ’em up, das den typischen Arcade-Shooter auf den Kopf stellt. Wende das Blatt im Kampf und bring deine Feinde gegeneinander auf. Verhindere durch Ausweich-, Schlängel- und Tauchmanöver, dass dein Swordship in Stücke gerissen wird.
Survive through all the lines in city 1
Survive through all the lines in CITY-02
Survive through all the lines in CITY-03
Unlock all the possible variants of ship
Unlock all the possible upgrades
Unlock all the different weather
Unlock all the different difficulties
Unlock everything
Complete the game in beginner mode
Complete the game in medium difficulty
Complete the game in hard mode
Kill the boss after having donated all the containers you stole
Reach the end of the game while keeping all the containers you stole
Kill the boss after stealing the max possible amount of containers
Kill the boss in its most powerful form
Reach the end of the game.... but...
Do you really have to steal these containers?