Tahnra ist vom Krieg zerrüttet. Du hattest es nie leicht und kommst frisch von der Akademie. Jetzt sollst du eine Armee gegen deine Widersacher anführen. Schließe Freundschaften und führe deine Truppen in Rundenkämpfen zum Sieg. Nutze das Terrain, die Kampfmoral und bring Frieden ins Land!
Class change to Tier 2.
Class change to Tier 3.
Use a Proof of Merit on a Unit.
Reach Faction Rank 4.
Reach Faction Rank 9.
Reach Max Faction Rank.
Unlock all Techs in a single playthrough.
Army size reaches 150 Units.
Have 9 Units in one Squad.
Hire a Unique Mercenary.
Find or purchase an Artifact of Legendary rarity.
Complete the main story on Captain difficulty.
Complete the main story on Warlord difficulty.
Surrender 200 enemy Units in a single playthrough.
Form a Bond relationship.
Surrender all the Imperial Squads in Chapter 27.
Rescue all 4 children in Chapter 15.
Defeat all enemies in Chapter 12.
Defeat Beatrix in Chapter 11.
Complete the main story on Ludicrous difficulty, with permadeath on, while completing all Legends and Gaiden chapters, under 600 turns, without New Game+.