Mach dich bereit für das nächste Kapitel der legendären Kampfspielreihe, TEKKEN 8. TEKKEN 8 setzt die tragische Saga der Mishima- und Kazama-Blutlinien und ihrer weltbewegenden Vater-Sohn-Kämpfe 6 Monate nach dem Ende des letzten Kampfes voller Missgunst fort.
Won a Ranked Match.
Won a Player Match.
Won a Group Match.
Play a total of 10 online battles of any kind.
Achieved a perfect victory. (Excluding offline player battles)
Achieved a great victory. (Excluding offline player battles)
Dealt 70+ damage in an air combo. (Excluding offline player battles)
Triggered 10 Tornados. (Excluding offline player battles)
Dealt 20 Rage Arts. (Excluding offline player battles)
Performed 5 Heat Bursts. (Excluding offline player battles)
Activated Heat 5 times with a Heat Engager. (Excluding offline player battles)
Dealt 20 Heat Smashes. (Excluding offline player battles)
Performed 10 Heat Dashes. (Excluding offline player battles)
Healed an overall total of 500 damage in recoverable health. (Excluding offline player battles)
Dealt an overall total of 1000 damage while in rage mode. (Excluding offline player battles)
Performed a Wall Bound. (Excluding offline player battles)
Performed a Wall Blast. (Excluding offline player battles)
Performed a Hard Wall Break. (Excluding offline player battles)
Performed a Hard Floor Break. (Excluding offline player battles)
Performed a Floor Blast. (Excluding offline player battles)
Reached the lowest area of the Ortiz Farm stage. (Excluding offline player battles)
Performed 20 Devilish hits in Tekken Ball. (Excluding offline player battles)
Got promoted to Brawler.
Got promoted to Warrior.
Got promoted to Vanquisher.
Finished Chapter 1 of The Dark Awakens.
Finished 5 Character Episode stories.
Finished 10 Character Episode stories.
Finished Arcade Battle.
Fought against your own Ghost.
Defeated a player's Ghost.
Defeated 10 CPU Ghosts in Super Ghost Battle.
Dealt 2000 damage in Practice mode.
Completed 5 Combo Challenges.
Practiced with the tips on in Replays & Tips.
Saved a custom character in Character Customization.
Obtained an overall total of 10,000,000G.