Gerechtigkeit erfordert Mut. Den Mut, Wahrheiten aufzudecken, die niemand sehen will. Den Mut, ehemaligen Mördern gegenüberzutreten, die jetzt Anzüge tragen und Respekt einfordern. Den Mut, bedroht, geächtet oder Schlimmeres zu werden. Und den Mut, in die Dunkelheit zu blicken und für immer verän...
Unbox your personal belongings.
Complete the first day at the office.
Listen to Ms Naumann's retelling of events.
Listen to Mr Kiebitz' version of the story.
Listen to Mr Schickert's version of the story.
Listen to Mr Faltmann's version of the story.
Learn how to reconstruct the turn of events.
Learn how to present your case.
Unlock a buried memory.
Don't let them stop you.
Be entrusted with Peters' current work.
Present your case in court.
Find all details in your first case.
Successfully question the witnesses in your first case.
Come to all the right conclusions in your first case.
Find all additional documents in your first case.
Prove more than meets the eye in your first case.
Come to your first conclusion. to your first conclusion
Find the answer to an unasked question.
Start filling your case file with evidence.
Successfully question a witnesses statement.
Find all details in a witness retelling.
Stay up to date on the daily news.
Reach an almost perfect Verdict
Prove the true course of the crime.
Reach a perfect verdict by digging deeper.
Find all details in your second case.
Successfully question the witnesses in your second case.
Come to all the right conclusions in your second case.
Find all additional documents in your second case.
Prove more than meets the eye in your second case.
Meet Esther's Childhood Friend.
Listen to Mr Hentz' retelling of events.
Listen to the Best Friend's version of the story.
Listen to the Roommate's version of the story.
Listen to the Officer's version of the story.
Listen to the Boyfriend's version of the story.
Get Updated on Peters' Work.
Be entrusted with the last secret of Peters' case.
Try to protect her.
It won't bring her back.
Order a house search.
Learn what really happened.
Present your case in court.
Make a choice.
Pet the cat.