Mit The Evil Within 2 erschafft Genre-Genie Shinji Mikami einen weiteren Meilenstein des Survival Horrors. Detective Sebastian Castellanos glaubt, alles verloren zu haben. Doch als er die Chance erhält, seine totgeglaubte Tochter zu retten, steigt er erneut in die albtraumhafte Welt des STEM, die...
Completed the game on Casual difficulty or higher.
Completed the game on Survival difficulty or higher.
Completed the game on Nightmare difficulty or higher.
Completed the "Rogue Signal" side mission.
Completed the "The Last Step" side mission.
Experienced every traumatic encounter and made peace with your inner demons.
Used your first Red Gel.
Completely upgraded all abilities.
Used your first High-Grade Weapon Parts.
Upgraded a weapon to Level 3.
Upgraded one of your Warden Crossbow bolts to max level.
Completely upgraded all weapons.
Crafted something for the first time.
Crafted every type of item at least once.
Observed all Residual Memories.
Collected 20 files.
Collected all files.
Opened 16 lockers.
Opened all lockers.
Acquired the Warden Crossbow.
Talked to Kidman about all of the photographic slides.
Acquired all standard weapons.
Collected all of the Mysterious Objects.
Used every Coffee Maker at least once.
Killed 30 enemies.
Killed 60 enemies.
Killed 3 enemies using upgraded Smoke Bolts.
Stunned an enemy standing in water using a Shock Bolt.
Killed an enemy using an Ambush.
Killed 2 or more enemies at once using oil on the ground.
Stomped and killed 15 fallen enemies.
Killed 10 enemies using Sneak Kills.
Avoided unnecessary bloodshed outside City Hall. (Ch. 5)
Killed 2 or more enemies at once using a hanging lamp. (Ch. 9)
Stopped a true believer from playing with his favorite toy. (Ch. 11)
Reminisced about every moment from your past. (Ch. 12)
Brought your own equipment to the barbecue this time. (Ch. 14)