The Haunting of Joni Evers erzählt eine emotionale Geschichte über eine zerrüttete, durch einen bösartigen Fluch gespaltene Familie in der Kleinstadt Oklahoma. Enthülle die Geheimnisse von Jonis Familie und dem Cunningham House, stelle dich ihren Erinnerungen und brich den Fluch!
Push in a chair twice
Break the curse
Fall asleep in a haunted house
Shatter a Relic
Learn what's going on in the basement
Restore a Relic
Restore the final Relic
Save the Vestiges
Listen to the end of the story
Skip turning on the TV to check the weather
Leave Joni speechless after realizing she can't escape
Spend 1 hour with the flashlight on
Fully attune every Whispering Object
Find every reference to cryptids in the Cunningham House
Find every reference to the Skull Man
Read every newspaper article