Schieße dir in diesem rasanten Topdown-Shooter den Weg durch die Straßen von Hongkong frei. The Hong Kong Massacre ist an klassische Actionfilme angelehnt. Du findest dich mitten in einer knallharten Rachegeschichte voller brutaler filmreifer Schießereien und lebensechter Schauplätze der Unterwel...
First enemy killed
First level completed
First boss completed
First weapon unlocked
100 enemies killed
Second day completed
1000 enemies killed
One hour in slowmotion
Completed a level on first try
Completed a level without slowmotion
Complete first day without dying on medium difficulty
10 000 enemies killed
Complete the first and second day without dying on medium difficulty
All challenges completed on medium difficulty
All weapons and upgrades unlocked on medium difficulty
Game completed on medium difficulty