Angesiedelt in einer futuristisch gestalteten Odyssee trumpft der rasante Aracde-Racer The Next Penelope mit knalligen Farben, einer originellen Story und einem herausfordernden Risk-Reward-S
Arcade & IndieThanks for being on board!
Story mode completed!
Impossible made possible.
Odysseus... Is that you?
Unlock the MINES ability AFTER the other worlds completed.
Tutorial completed with perspective shader on.
(Minotaur race)
2000 XP points unspent.
You had no choice (?)
Explore in any order.
Larva is no more.
All evolutions unlocked.
Time Trial (CITY) Under 60s.
Time Trial (CITY) Under 55s.
Time Trial (LAVA) Under 60s.
Time Trial (LAVA) Under 55s.
Time Trial (DESERT) Under 60s.
Time Trial (DESERT) Under 55s.
Score +28 000 in Jail Mode
Score 25000 to open the door (Jail Mode)
Keep on casino track for 8000 points
Keep on casino track for +10.000 points
Fire a multiplayer game with your friends!
Total War: WARHAMMER III - Omens of Destruction
Indiana Jones und der Große Kreis