Kämpfe dich in diesem brutalen Action-Adventure-Rollenspiel durch die düstere Welt des Untergrunds. Vernichte Horden von Feinden, kämpfe gegen gefährliche Bosse und erkunde die Welt nach deinen eigenen Vorstellungen und Entscheidungen!
Collect all spider toys
Collect all pages of the bestiary
Get the Bestiary
Get through a karma door
Get a karma medkit
Learn all the skills
Defeat Fallen Champion
Defeat Homunculus, Child of Memories
Defeat Superbia
Defeat Behemoth
Defeat Corelia
Defeat Tainted
Defeat Son of the King of the Flies
Defeat Avarice
Defeat Mendacium
Defeat Nameless
Defeat Alpha and Omega
Get the most positive karma
Throw an enemy into pitfall
Beat the game in new game plus mode