Du bist auf einer paradiesischen Insel mit einer Gruppe freundlicher Frösche gestrandet. Genieße das Sandbox-Inselleben und erkunde es in deinem eigenen Tempo. Löse knifflige Angelegenheiten für deine neuen Freunde und handle, um dein Schiff zu reparieren!
Jump 1000 times.
Throw 1000 items
Walk 10km
Evaluate the damage from the storm
Replace your ripped sail with a new one
Replace your torn rope with a new one
Replace your broken wheel with a new one
Replace your broken rudder with a new one
Leave the island in your fixed boat
Complete the game within 5 (in-game) days
Speak to every frog on the island
Obtain the Ice Herb before opening the mountain door
Complete every quest and fully build your house
Take your pet plant up the mountain to see the northern lights
Take your pet plant into the town to see the frogs
Take your pet plant to the western island to see the ruins
Take your pet plant to the western island to see the Dodos
Take your pet plant to the eastern island to see the strange ruin
Take your pet plant to see all the sights
Sleep in every camp
Find and complete the hidden time trial
Complete the frog statue ritual
Brew your first potion
Catch your first fish
Duplicate a coin by farming it
Purchase something from the merchants shop
Proudly display a honeycomb in your house
Ask a frog about the same item 3 times in a row
Throw an item then grab it with your tongue before it hits the ground
Grow every bounce mushroom on the island
Knock over all of the carefully stacked stones in a day
Complete the tavern questline before accepting any boat pieces
Pay The Carpenter to build all three stages of your house
Stay airborne for 7.5 seconds
Complete all of The Cartographer's quests