Ein entspannendes isometrisches Low-Poly-Spiel, bei dem du die Unterschiede in 3D-Bildern finden musst, während du wunderschöne Umgebungen genießt.
Find all differences on any level without wrong clicks
Find 5 differences in less than 60 seconds on any level
Fail to find differences more than 500 times
Find all differences from the game
Play any level without any sound
Find 50 differences with less than 10 wrong clicks
Click wrong more than 100 times
Rotate any level 20 times
Complete the first level with 5 stars
Find 5 differences in less than 15 seconds on any level
Find 5 differences without using zoom on any level
Stay in a level for more than 15 min
Find all the differences from the 1st anniversary special diorama
Find all the differences from the 2nd anniversary special diorama