Schlüpfe in Terrys Flip-Flops in diesem kurzen und herrlich süßen Abenteuer der Selbstfindung, während er herausfindet, was es bedeutet, ein Bewohner von ✨Sprankelwater✨ zu sein.
Spend some time at home
Defeat Ricky in a bumper car battle
Go to Space
Collect 50 Turbo Junk
Collect 450 Turbo Junk
Upgrade your car for the first time
Upgrade your car 5 times
Call Grony
Win a game of orange soccer
Complete a yoga session
Pay off the government debt
The wind is calling
100% the game
Spend a lot of money
Buy a hat
Collect a bunch of hats
Collect all the gummy pups
Catch an insect
Carry a lot of different insect types in your pocket for no reason