Das kataklysmische Finale der Total War: WARHAMMER-Trilogie steht bevor. Sammelt Eure Streitkräfte und betretet das Reich des Chaos, eine Dimension überwältigenden Horrors, in der sich das Schicksal der Welt entscheidet. Werdet Ihr Eure Dämonen bezwingen … oder befehligen?
Playing as Kislev, win the quest battle to free Boris Ursus.
Play a multiplayer battle.
Win a campaign battle in which you are outnumbered 10-to-1.
Fight a quest battle.
Win 10 battles during a single campaign.
Win 50 battles during a single campaign.
Win 5 ambush battles during a single campaign.
Win 25 siege attack battles during a single campaign.
Playing as Cathay, complete a Caravan's journey.
Playing as Cathay, construct the Grand Observatory of Xing Po.
Playing as Cathay, occupy the entirety of the Great Bastion.
Playing as Cathay, occupy Wei-Jin.
Playing as Cathay, recruit a Terracotta Sentinel to one of your armies.
Have a special mount.
Have 3 special mounts.
Have 1 level 10 Hero.
Have 2 level 20 Heroes at the same time.
Have 3 level 30 Heroes at the same time.
Have a level 10 Lord.
Have a level 20 Lord.
Have a level 30 Lord.
Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Brass Citadel in the realm of Khorne.
Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Mansion of the Plaguelord in the realm of Nurgle.
Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Palace of Slaanesh in the realm of Slaanesh.
Defeat the Daemon Prince at the Impossible Fortress in the realm of Tzeentch.
Raze 1 settlement.
Raze 30 settlements during a single campaign.
Construct an allied outpost in a military ally's settlement.
Playing as the Daemon Prince, ascend to a Chaos God's path.
Playing as the Daemon Prince, ascend to the Undivided path.
Playing as the Daemon Prince, unlock 15 Daemonic Gifts.
Playing as the Daemon Prince, unlock 5 Daemonic Gifts.
Have a military alliance with 5 other factions at the same time.
Have a military alliance with 10 other factions at the same time.
Have a trade agreement with 5 other factions at the same time.
Have a trade agreement with 10 other factions at the same time.
Have a gross income of 5,000 per turn.
Have a gross income of 20,000 per turn.
Have a gross income of 60,000 per turn.
Enter the Realm of Chaos using a Rift.
Playing as Khorne, reach the highest level of Bloodletting with an army.
Playing as Khorne, collect 10,000 Skulls.
Playing as Khorne, construct the Khadeium Paradox.
Playing as Khorne, recruit a Bloodthirster to one of your armies.
Playing as Khorne, replace a Herald of Khorne with an Exalted Bloodthirster.
Playing as Kislev, invoke each type of Motherland in a single campaign.
Playing as Kislev, occupy Kislev, Erengrad and Praag.
Playing as Kislev, recruit an Elemental Bear to one of your armies.
Borrow an army from a military ally.
Play a multiplayer campaign.
Playing as Nurgle, collect 5000 Infections.
Playing as Nurgle, recruit a Great Unclean One to one of your armies.
Playing as Nurgle, replace a Herald of Nurgle with an Exalted Great Unclean One.
Playing as Nurgle, spread a Plague.
Playing as Nurgle, use each Plague Symptom at least once.
Playing as the Ogre Kingdoms, construct the Fire Mouth.
Playing as the Ogre Kingdoms, deploy 5 camps in a single campaign.
Playing as the Ogre Kingdoms, destroy a Caravan belonging to Cathay.
Playing as the Ogre Kingdoms, offer a tribute of Meat to the Great Maw.
During the Prologue, fill Yuri's army with units.
During the Prologue, win your first battle in the Chaos Wastes.
During the Prologue, construct 5 buildings.
Complete the Prologue.
During the Prologue, equip Yuri with every type of magic item.
During the Prologue, recruit a second Lord.
During the Prologue, capture a settlement in the Chaos Wastes.
During the Prologue, fully upgrade a settlement.
During the Prologue, spend 10 skill points.
Playing as Slaanesh, construct the Pandemournium.
Playing as Slaanesh, recruit a Keeper of Secrets to one of your armies.
Playing as Slaanesh, replace a Herald of Slaanesh with an Exalted Keeper of Secrets.
Playing as Slaanesh, spread a Gift of Slaanesh.
Playing as Slaanesh, summon a Disciple Army.
Playing as Tzeentch, construct the Symposium of Change.
Playing as Tzeentch, replace a Herald of Tzeentch with an Exalted Lord of Change.
Playing as Tzeentch, unlock all Changing of the Ways actions.
Playing as Cathay, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Cathay, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as the Daemon Prince, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as the Daemon Prince, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Khorne, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Khorne, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Kislev, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Kislev, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Win a singleplayer campaign on Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Nurgle, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Nurgle, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as the Ogre Kingdoms, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as the Ogre Kingdoms, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Slaanesh, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Slaanesh, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Tzeentch, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Tzeentch, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Tzeentch, recruit a Lord of Change to one of your armies.
Playing as Tzeentch, take control of a settlement via the Changing of the Ways.
Achieve a score of 15000 in the Black Fire Pass Trial.
Achieve a score of 15000 in the Hel Fenn Trial.
Achieve a score of 15000 in the Fallen Gates Trial.
Achieve a score of 15000 in the Altar of Ultimate Darkness Trial.
Achieve a score of 15000 in the Realm of Tzeentch Trial.
Achieve a score of 50000 in the Black Fire Pass Trial.
Achieve a score of 50000 in the Hel Fenn Trial.
Achieve a score of 50000 in the Fallen Gates Trial.
Achieve a score of 50000 in the Altar of Ultimate Darkness Trial.
Achieve a score of 50000 in the Realm of Tzeentch Trial.
Achieve a score of 100000 in all Trials of Fate.
Playing as the Beastmen, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as the Beastmen, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Bretonnia, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Bretonnia, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Warriors of Chaos, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Warriors of Chaos, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as the Chaos Dwarfs, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as the Chaos Dwarfs, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as the Dark Elves, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as the Dark Elves, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Dwarfs, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Dwarfs, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as the Empire, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as the Empire, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Greenskins, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Greenskins, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as the High Elves, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as the High Elves, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as the Lizardmen, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as the Lizardmen, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Norsca, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Norsca, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as the Skaven, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as the Skaven, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as the Tomb Kings, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as the Tomb Kings, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as a Vampire Coast, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as a Vampire Coast, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as the Vampire Counts, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as the Vampire Counts, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.
Playing as Wood Elves, win a singleplayer campaign.
Playing as Wood Elves, win a singleplayer campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty.