Betrete die Welt von Train Yard Builder und passe deine Eisenbahn nach Herzenslust an. Arbeite mit verschiedenen Modellen von Zügen und Waggons, steuere sie nach deinen Wünschen und verwende Modder-Tools, um deiner Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen.
Clean 10 models
Clean 50 models
Clean 200 Models
Place a total of 100 models across your layout tables and dioramas.
Place a total of 600 models across your layout tables and dioramas.
Place a total of 3000 models across your layout tables and dioramas.
Paint a total of 20 models.
Paint a total of 100 models.
Paint a total of 300 models.
Exhibit your first railroad model layout at Exhibitions.
Exhibit a total of 10 railroad model layouts at Exhibitions.
Exhibit a total of 50 railroad model layouts at Exhibitions.
Earn 1000 coins from Exhibitions and Assignments.
Design a railroad layout to accommodate 10 trains running simultaneously.
Complete the tutorial.
Paint one model with at least 5 different colors.
Complete all museum assignments.
Earn 10000 coins from Exhibitions and Assignments.
Earn 100000 coins from Exhibitions and Assignments.
Complete all museum assignments.