Twilight Struggle ist ein Spiel für zwei Spieler, die entweder die Rolle der USA oder der UdSSR während des Kalten Krieges übernehmen. Anhand tatsächlicher Ereignisse aus der Geschichte müssen die Spieler ihre Strategien planen, um die Weltherrschaft zu erlangen. Spiele Twilight Struggle und verä...
Complete the tutorial.
Win a game as the USSR.
Win a game as the USA.
Win a game in final scoring.
Win a game by getting 20 VP before final scoring.
Win a game by controlling Europe.
Win a game with DEFCON 1.
Win a game with Wargames.
Win a game via Cuban Missile Crisis.
Win a game against the AI Player.
Lose a game against the AI Player.
Lose a game against the AI Player in final scoring.
Win an online game.
Win an online game against an opponent with a rating at least 300 higher than yours.
Win a game in the Early War.
Win a game due to the Victory Point Track when your opponent has Domination in at least 4 regions.
Gain Domination in a region.
Be the first player in a game to advance in the space race.
Win a game after reaching the end of the space race track.
Score 8 VP when Southeast Asia Scoring is played.