In einer Welt, die sich von einer Katastrophe erholt, erleben Mark Borja und seine Freunde die Freuden und Leiden eines Schuljahrs an der High School. Wache in einem typischen Schlafzimmer eines Teenagers auf, übe Klavierspielen, beeile dich mit deinen Hausaufgaben, baue Beziehungen auf (und verm...
Insert just 1-peso coins in the ticket vending machine.
Choose the wrong train station 10 times.
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Lie to Louise.
Make a meme-worthy book report.
Don’t miss a single fishball.
Fail to dodge all obstacles in the school halls.
Dodge all obstacles in the school halls.
Bullseye on first dart throw.
Win at Aswang World.
Stand up to gossip girls.
Choose heart-shaped cookies.
Choose emoji cookies.
Get a 85-99 score on the videoke.
Get a 100 score on the videoke.
Get 100% Perfects on audition day.
Bike faster than Nicole.
Drop all coins when passing fare in the jeepney.
Don’t drop a coin when passing fare in the jeepney.
Don’t take advantage of seeing where the ball is.
Carve the tree like crazy.