Führe dein Weltraumeinsatzkommando in einem epischen Revival der rundenbasierten Truppentaktik, inspiriert durch XCOM, Space Hulk und Aliens, das tiefgreifende Fähigkeiten- und Kampfsysteme sowie mehrere Spielmodi bietet. Entdecke die Wahrheit hinter dem Untergang der Kolonie MC83-A
Complete a Single Mission on any difficulty
Complete a Single Mission on at least Easy difficulty
Complete a Single Mission on at least Standard difficulty
Complete a Single Mission on at least Intense difficulty
Complete a Single Mission on at least Hard difficulty
Complete a Single Mission on at least Extreme difficulty
Complete a Single Mission on Ultimate difficulty
Complete the "Sector sweep" Operation
Complete the "Escape the mines!" Operation
Complete the "Scientific data retrieval" Operation
Complete the "Prisoners of the Deep" Operation
Achieve the rank of Petty Officer with your personal Profile
Achieve the rank of Chief Petty Officer with your personal Profile
Achieve the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer with your personal Profile
Achieve the rank of Warrant Officer with your personal Profile
Achieve the rank of Chief Warrant Officer with your personal Profile
Achieve the rank of Ensign with your personal Profile
Achieve the rank of Lieutenant with your personal Profile
Achieve the rank of Lieutenant Commander with your personal Profile
Achieve the rank of Commander with your personal Profile
Achieve the rank of Captain with your personal Profile
Achieve the rank of Major with your personal Profile
Achieve the rank of Colonel with your personal Profile
Complete the Prologue (Tutorial) missions
Complete the "Sector sweep" Operation on at least Hard difficulty with a 5-star rating
Complete the "Escape the mines!" Operation on at least Hard difficulty with a 5-star rating
Complete the "Scientific data retrieval" Operation on at least Hard difficulty with a 5-star rating
Complete the "Prisoners of the Deep" Operation on at least Hard difficulty with a 5-star rating
Complete the "Onboard invasion" Operation
Complete the "Onboard invasion" Operation on at least Hard difficulty with a 5-star rating
Complete the "Hydroponic hell" Operation
Complete the "Hydroponic hell" Operation on at least Hard difficulty with a 5-star rating
Complete a Single Mission on Quack! difficulty
Complete a Defend the Base! session with at least 30,000 minerals mined
Complete a Defend the Base! session with at least 50,000 minerals mined on Hard difficulty or higher
Complete the Campaign with a neutral or good ending
Complete the Campaign on at least Hard difficulty with a good ending