Erforsche ein seltsames Land voller Mysterien. Ergründe die Geheimnisse der Vergangenheit, um auf Relikte deiner Zukunft zu stoßen. Der Sturm nähert sich.
Ruins of a large tower at the center of the world.
Remnants of machinery in the dark
Traces of a civilization beneath the crust.
Starting at the far shallow end, fly through the desert canyon near the storm in record speed!
Accumulate a legendary flock of crows by the vane tower
Explore the depths of the storm circling the world
Summit Fan
Be the first to leave the base of the Tower
Open the way for your friends.
Time lurches forward and the world begins to change...
The gold does more than glimmer in the desert...
The Tower stands tall and massive against the Storm
Echoes of a familiar place
A memory of where things started to turn