Sie haben seine Schwester getötet. Jetzt wird er sie töten. Begleite einen hartgesottenen Detektiv, der sich durch die kriminelle Unterwelt mordet, um die Killer seiner Schwester zu finden und zu bestrafen … bevor sein Verstand entgleitet und seine Rachesucht ihn völlig zerstören.
Defeat Daehyun
Kill a Weird Medusa.
Perform an oven fatality on any enemy
Trick black suits into letting you through into Casino
Offend the black suits when visiting Casino for a second time.
Kill an enemy in Dojang.
Scare black suit to leave the fight during dialogue in the Apartments on the first level
Choose to disrespect a Bouncer.
Win the fight with Medusa on the street without dying.
Scare 3 or more enemies during the fight.
Kill an enemy with a Broken Bottle.
Trick a Gardener into letting you through.
Perform a fatality on the Woodpecker.
Kill 2 enemies using a Meat Hook during a fight.
Start the elevator on the Temple level.
Arrive to the Slot Machine.
Kill 10 enemies during one fight.
Finish off Batter with a bat.
Kill an enemy using a chair.
Kill an enemy with a leg kick combo.
Kill 5 enemies in less then 10 seconds.
Kill an enemy with barely any health left.
Kill an enemy with "hand-knife" combo.
Make a Good choice and complete the game with a Good ending.
Make a Bad choice and complete the game with a Bad ending.