Begib dich auf ein episches, 20-stündiges Abenteuer und meistere die Herausforderungen, um das Ende zu erreichen. Ein fesselndes Puzzle-Platforming-Erlebnis mit einer einzigartigen Zunge/Seil-Mechanik, die deine Geschicklichkeit und Problemlösungsfähigkeiten auf die Probe stellt. Triff andere Por...
Arcade & IndieCollect all the journals.
Do the most perfect rope swing.
Do not step on the ground for 30 seconds.
Eat a Paradise insect.
Pass Chapter 1 in 180 seconds.
Pass chapter 15 in 1200 seconds.
Stretch your tongue to 100 meters without breaking it.
Launch a box for 10 meters or more.
Launch yourself 10 meters forward with a rope swing.
Launch yourself 5 meters up above the ground with a rope swing.
Achieve Box Rocket, Weee!, and I believe I can fly!
Go underground without saying goodbye to Pio.
Die in every way possible.
Get on a box mid-air and move 3 meters vertically.
Be crushed to death by a spawned box.