Erkunde die geheimnisvolle Mauerwelt auf deinem riesigen Robospider: Baue wertvolle Ressourcen ab, verbessere deine Ausrüstung, um Horden von Monstern abzuwehren, und entdecke zwischen den Angriffen exotische Biome. Wirst du es schaffen, zu überleben und die Geheimnisse der Mauerwelt zu lüften?
Knock on heaven's door
Reach the bottom
Get defeated
Find a special spot
Pick up a key
Get all keys
Build three structures
Enter three rooms
Take three relics
Slay 500 zyrex
Survive for a while
Buy all upgrades
Use every weapon
Activate it
Obtain a new weapon beyond the rift
Collect all blueprints beyond the rift
Gather all resource types beyond the rift
Trigger the Devastator
Max out the Locust Machine Gun
Max out the Chemical Weapon
Fully upgrade the vacuum capacity