In einer vom Krieg verwüsteten Welt musst du dich den Horden des Chaos stellen. Spiele allein oder mit bis zu vier Spielern im lokalen oder Online-Coop, wähle einen Helden aus vier Charakterklassen und bereite dich mit einigen der mächtigsten Artefakten der Alten Welt auf epische Schlachten vor.
Finish the game as Konrad
Finish the game as Elontir
Finish the game as Elessa
Finish the game as Bragi
Finish the game as all characters
Use bloodlust
Reach level 25 with any character
Reach level 50 with any character
Trade 50 Fragments with the Collectors' Guild
Kill a boss on "Very hard" difficulty
Complete your first Relic Hunt
Complete 50 Relic Hunts
Use a God Skill
Unlock your first reward from the God Skill Tree
Kill a boss in Boss Rush on at least "Chaos 2" difficulty
Kill all bosses in Boss Rush on at least "Chaos 2" difficulty
Kill 1,000 cultists
Kill 1,000 Ungors
Kill 1,000 daemons
Kill 100 champions
Kill a Jabberslythe
Kill a Mutalith
Complete your first set of equipment
Be fully equipped
Be fully equipped with rare or heroic items
Buy all rewards available on the God Skill Tree
Donate 100 items to the Collectors' Guild
Bless your first item
Bless a heroic item 50 times
Collect 100 Fragments
Collect 1,000 pieces of gear
Find 100 rare or heroic pieces of gear
Find your first heroic item (not a quest reward)
Kill a boss on "Chaos 5" difficulty
Open 50 chests
Complete a side activity
Complete 50 side activities
Kill an elite with a build made from at least 90 Skill Points
Acquire 100,000 gold pieces