Warpips ist ein schnell zu erlernendes, aber erstaunlich fundiertes 2-Seiten-Strategiespiel. Stell in diesem knallharten Kampfspiel die beste Armee aus Soldaten, Panzern, Helikoptern und Flugzeugen zusammen und erforsche die richtigen Technologien, um zu gewinnen!
Complete the tutorial.
Call in 150 Tactician artillery strikes
Capture every territory in the campaign
Mine $5,000 cash from Pumpjacks or Oil Derricks
Kill 150 enemies with Missiles.
Kill 500 enemies with Small Turrets.
LRV spawns Marines 50 times
Marines fire 1500 grenades
Shield Pip takes 4000 damage
Sniper kills 100 enemies
Spawn 500 Marines
Spawn 200 Vehicles
Spawn 2000 Infantry
Win 15 rounds in a row
Win 30 rounds in a row
Win 50 rounds at Rank 1
Win 30 rounds at Rank 2
Win the campain on “General” difficulty.
Capture the first island in Conquest Mode.
Capture the second island in Conquest Mode.
Capture the third island in Conquest Mode.
Beat Conquest Mode on any difficulty
Spawn 35 Spec Ops Pips
Complete Endless Mode with at least 150k points
Complete Endless Mode with at least 50k points
Complete Endless Mode with at least 100k points