Wizard with a Gun ist ein kooperatives Online-Sandkasten-Survival-Spiel, das in einer magischen Wildnis voller gefährlicher Kreaturen und arkaner Geheimnisse spielt. Begebt euch allein oder mit Freunden auf eine Reise, um euren Zauberer zu sammeln, herzustellen und auszustatten, wie ihr es für ri...
Restore the Chronomancer Wheel with 1 gear while hosting or in singleplayer
Restore the Chronomancer Wheel with 10 gears while hosting or in singleplayer
Restore the Chronomancer Wheel with 20 gears while hosting or in singleplayer
Restore the Chronomancer Wheel with 35 gears while hosting or in singleplayer
Restore the Chronomancer Wheel with 53 gears while hosting or in singleplayer
Shatter the ice on a frozen creature
Ignite a creature doused in oil with a fire bullet
Electrocute a creature through water
Slam a creature with force accumulated in stasis
Heal a charmed creature
Use a poison finisher bullet on a poisoned creature
Craft Burning or Shocking Bullet Level 10 or higher
Craft Burning or Shocking Bullet Level 20 or higher
Craft Cold or Force Bullet Level 10 or higher
Craft Cold or Force Bullet Level 20 or higher
Craft Poison or Fear Bullet Level 10 or higher
Craft Poison or Fear Bullet Level 20 or higher
Craft Charming, Healing, or Repair Bullet Level 10 or higher
Craft Charming, Healing, or Repair Bullet Level 20 or higher
Craft an enchantment to reduce gun cooldowns on your gloves
Craft the second or greater inventory expansion enchantment on your backpack
Craft an enchantment to dash further on your boots
Craft the third or greater health regeneration enchantment on your amulet
Craft the fifth or greater max health increase enchantment on your robes
Survive until Day 5 while averting the apocalypse
Survive in the apocalypse for 5 minutes
Turn in a Bounty
Earn 100 Bounties
Earn a Boss Bounty
Earn a Golden Bounty
Build a Bounty Mechana
Encounter a Surprise Event
Construct the Magus, Alchemist, Sorcerer, and Warlock bookshelves
Defeat all bosses on Sheriff difficulty or greater
Defeat all bosses on Outlaw difficulty or greater