Schließe dich mit anderen zusammen, um zu gewinnen! KarmaZoo ist ein lustiger kooperativer Platformer, bei dem bis zu zehn zufällig ausgewählte Spieler sich zusammentun, um die Fähigkeiten von 50 verschiedenen Charakteren zu kombinieren, eine Schleife abzuschließen und Karma zu sammeln!
Feed your first Karma Tree.
Jump on a whale's water platform while playing as a whale yourself.
End a Zoo Loop with 3 Karma Gifts collected by you or your team.
Save a teammate's Halo from popping at the very last second.
Find a secret statue in your Sanctuary.
Complete a dance in a naughty eye's reach.
Change your mind more than 5 times during the bonus vote.
Visit the telescope for the first time.
Reach and feed the Karma Tree with the game's language being 'Pasta'.
Reveal 10 Stars
Reveal 20 Stars
Have 10 Stars shining
Have 20 Stars shining
Enlighten 20 planets
Enlighten 40 planets
Water a teammate's active Flowerpot while playing as the Watering Can.