Terra Nil ist ein ausgeklügeltes Umweltstrategiespiel, in dem es darum geht, karges Ödland in ein blühendes, ausgewogenes Ökosystem zu verwandeln. Bring das Leben zurück in eine leblose Welt, – und gehe dann, ohne eine Spur zu hinterlassen!
Restore the River Valley
Fully restore all animal species, biomes and climate conditions in the tropical region
Fully restore all animal species, biomes and climate conditions in the polar region
Fully restore all animal species, biomes and climate conditions in the continental region
Completely restore the planet
Use screenshot mode to take a full map screenshot
Appreciate the beauty of nature for at least 60 seconds
Burn down 25 buildings with a single fire
Restore the tropical region with at least 40% of the map being underwater
Restore the Volcanic Glacier while still having at least 15 lava tiles
Have 3 different groups of bears that are fully satisfied in the River Valley
Engineer a single location with 6 overlapping animal groups that are fully satisfied
Restore the Hill and Dale
Restore the Desolate Island
Restore the Volcanic Glacier
Restore the Flooded City
Restore the Continental Outskirts
Fully restore all animal species, biomes and climate conditions in the temperate region
Complete a mission with at least 20 fully satisfied animal groups